The statistics say it all in regard to falls and injuries. In the United States, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the fall rate for adults is alarmingly high. The results can be serious – from minor bruises to hip fractures to trauma to the head. Caregivers are also faced with sometimes futile attempts to help lift the fallen senior. Unless they have some form of patient lifting devices or, better still a type of portable patient lift, they may be forced to call an ambulance and allow the professionals to handle the situation. The result is an increase in medical bills that some people are not equipped to handle.
Avoiding Falls and Injuries
Fortunately, such issues can be reduced and/or prevented. As a caregiver, you know it is not always possible to keep your eye on the patient all the time. Moreover, the use of certain medications may impair the ability to negotiate tricky situations or keep their equilibrium. It is possible to help adults that are vulnerable avoid falls and injuries:
Make sure throw rugs and any small mats are kept secure. Tape them down and/or apply nonskid backing
Make sure all tiles and boards are tightly in place
Keep all traffic areas free from loose electrical wires and cords
Make sure all stairways are free from clutter
If you wax the floors use only nonglare and nonslip floor wax
Is water, juice or any other fluid spills, clean it up immediately
Make sure all lighting devices work and do their job of making an area highly visible
Leave a nightlight on – particularly in the bathroom or leading towards the bathroom
Be sure the patient wears clothing that fits and is not capable of causing him or her to trip and fall
Install hand bars and grip bars in bathrooms and, perhaps patient lift equipment, as most falls happen between the bathroom an bedroom
Patient Lift Equipment
At Safe Patient Solutions, we know there are various means of helping the patient get back up if they have fallen. There are numerous professional patient lifting devices on the market. They tend to be installed in conjunction with beds and baths. These are handy and to be encouraged, but they are not portable. Patent lifts, if they are to be most effective, need to be moved to where the fall has occurred. The solution is ResQUp by Safe Patient Solutions. It is portable, durable, lightweight and very affordable, giving caregivers and the elderly a helping hand when they need it most.